Friday, January 9, 2009

Cryptic cartoon

Okay, here's something we can all get involved in. I found this quite ambiguous cartoon and am having trouble grasping the meaning. I'm sure we can all come up with many weird and wonderful possible interpretations for this one, so I thought it would be a really good creative exercise to do. Here is the cartoon in question; I would say that there are three different frames, but maybe it's all one image, I'd love to hear the interpretation to that!

Please leave your answers as comments, I'd love to hear what you think is going on here!


Kate Jones said...

hey, I'm probably being very simplistic but I see someone who is very excited about his birthday. But something has gone wrong after the cake bit.

ANDR00 said...

Could be the old "You can't have your cake and eat it too" scenario. Could also be about material vs spiritual fulfilment...