Gotta tell you about this cool thing I just found, called
Dreamlines. I found out about it from the good old
RealityCarnival site, which happens to be a goldmine of cutting-edge info. It's amazingly complex and technological, but to put it simply, you enter in some keywords just like a search and the program creates an endless parade of vague images based on your keywords. It's really amazing, trippy and surreal like a dream; the way you never know exactly what the image is because it's always changing and the images are never really finished. The idea is that it gets images from Google Images based on your keywords, and then uses those images to create incredibly complex compositions. It looks like there are hundreds of invisible spiders weaving webs everywhere until the image starts to take form; kind of ghostly looking.

I can't do it justice; it's one of those things where you just have to 'take the trip yourself'.
Dreamlines, check it out. All praise to Leonardo Solaas for bringing this into existence.
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