Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Chris Chan

I stumbled across this internet gold mine after it was briefly featured on the Distorted View podcast (a great little podcast about weird and wonderful news) and have been captivated ever since. There's this guy called Christian Weston Chandler (AKA Chris Chan) who has several movies on YouTube, and I highly recommend you check him out. He calls himself a "high functioning autistic male", but there are no words to adequately describe his unique spirit.

When you watch his videos or read his Sonichu comic, it's easy to laugh and dismiss him and his controversial views. But I encourage you to open your hearts and appreciate his different perspective on life.

Please note that I am NOT poking fun at him in any way, although I will admit that my sense of humour allows me to see the funny side of life, and this is extremely funny.

Make up your own mind...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

this guy.......just wow

there is no limits on the laughter mankind could have at his expense.