Friday, December 7, 2007

Chupacrabra sighting

Source: KRQE

Here's another story about the mysterious El Chupacabra. If you haven't heard about the Chupacabra, it's renowned as the fabled 'Goatsucker' and there have been tonnes of reports over the years of this weird little creature sucking the blood out of goats and chickens around Texas and Mexico. There's also a sequel movie series that features humorous portrayals of Chupacabras, though I haven't seen it yet. The movies are called Bloodthirst: Legend of the Chupacabras and Bloodthirst 2: Revenge of the Chupacabras.

I've heard lots of stories about the Chupacabra and there are various different descriptions of what it actually is, but I was starting to get the idea that it's a little reptile sort of creature possibly related to the grey aliens. Well then I read this story about a sighting. Check out this picture they got, it looks like a Chihuahua or some kind of emaciated dog.

The DNA examination suggests that this specimen is a Coyote with mange, and that's just what it looks like. I'm not sure, but I don't think this is the Chupacabra.


Anonymous said...

The idea behind grey aliens is entirely hollywood-crap. Do you know how low of a chance that life in another world would look anything like here on Earth? Blegh.

Max said...

I disagree with your ideas there. Grey aliens are not a hollywood-created idea; it's a result of many numerous reports that come from people who had 'experiences'. Whitley Streiber, for one. Whether you believe in it is a personal matter, but it's not a Hollywood thing.