Friday, February 27, 2009

Transcendant Man

Source: Transcendent Man

Transcendent Man
is the new movie (coming soon) inspired by the book The Singularity is Near by Ray Kurzweil. Whatever you think about Kurzweil's ideas, it is clear that he is a genius in several fields and very inspiring. If you didn't know, Kurzweil is a big name in transhumanism; the belief that humans can and should transcend traditional limitations with the use of technology and other advances. In other words, transhumanism is about finding out what the limitations of humans really are; seeing what we're really capable of doing. Following on from my previous post, transhumanism seems like a philosophy that Philip K. Dick would really be into, and he could probably be described as an early transhumanist.

Well I watched the trailer of Transcendent Man and it looks like a very good movie; I'll be hanging out for a viewing of the full product.

Any thoughts/comments about the general topic of transhumanism will be welcomed; I would be interested in a discussion on the subject.

Transcendent Man Film Trailer

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